Source Code (Gui Example 3)
Let’s take the prior example and refactor the source code to make it modular. This will give us the flexibility to add new functionality without affecting other areas of the software.
Let’s take the prior example and refactor the source code to make it modular. This will give us the flexibility to add new functionality without affecting other areas of the software.
Our next example will add a new Push Button. When it is clicked, a built in dialog box will be displayed that allows the user to select a color.
This article will focus on how to build and run our first example.
In this article we will explain how to create the build file for Example 1.
This article shows the source code for our first example. It is a small C++ program which uses two of the CopperSpice libraries . . .
In software development a toolchain is a group of programs or utilities used to create an application or library for a given computer language.
CopperSpice is a collection of libraries which has classes, methods, and functions to expand the functionality of the standard C++ library. Using CopperSpice with your C++ application simply requires adding some include headers and linking with the appropriate CS library.
Our first article will explain what tools must be installed to use the CopperSpice libraries on your specific platform. The next few articles will cover how to install CopperSpice and then show how to build a simple GUI example.
The purpose of this journal is to show a series of short examples which will provide C++ developers with a general understanding about how to use the open source CopperSpice libraries.
Article summaries are displayed with the newest one listed first. Our initial article shows how to set up your working environment and then build or install CopperSpice. [ more . . . ]